Reading Week

It is reading week here. A week where everyone has off of school, myself included. My ex husband and I agreed that the kids could go up to visit him for this week. Which means that I took the whole week off to hook, sleep and avoid every possible homework assignment.

It wasn’t a complete waste. I did manage to get some studying done, and a few homework assignments complete, making next week that much easier. I have been intending to do a crochet update as well, but the path of good intentions, right?

While this week has been relatively quiet for me, I have hate almost every minute of it. I wonder, how anyone without kids find the reason to get out of bed in the mornings. That thought scares me a little, so for the time being, I will leave it alone. If anything though, this week has taught me that my life as a mom has become very important to me. Not something I thought I would be saying 5 years ago.

It has been hard to let Baby go. I didn’t know if my ex  would remember to give her the medication, or if he would remember to give it to her on time. Time, itself, does not matter… But if he gives it to her too late, she will not sleep at bedtime – leading to a very cranky Baby the next day.

So far though, its been ok. I was told that in the first day, they (being him and his wife) noticed a huge change in her from the last time they visited. From my understanding they have been able to handle any kickbacks that she has, any mood swings. I did recommend that they keep her off the meds for a day or two, just to be able to see first hand what a difference it can make. I find out today if they did in fact take my advice.

I have tried very hard not to call the kids this week. I  right don’t know if that is the right thing to do or not. I remember as a child, and going away to visit family, I hated that my mom would call almost every day. Isn’t that the reason for a vacation? But then again, my kids are a lot younger than I was. So its hard to determine exactly what they needed this week. Either way, today is the day that I get them back and I am very excited to hear all about their visit with their dad and little sister. And to see how Baby is doing on her second week of medication.

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